Thursday, July 31, 2008

Raw Fu Eve

I went to the doctor yesterday to get some blood work done and get an accurate blood pressure reading and weight. I will share the test results when I get them back. I plan to schedule another visit and blood test soon after the 100 day challenge is over, and I can't wait to compare the two.

My doctor was very encouraging and wished me luck. But she did suggest getting a good supply of Beano - I'm hoping that I don't find that necessary.

Starting tomorrow, I will log what I consume each day, and once a week I will log whether I'm up or down weight-wise. I'll try to keep track of any detox symptoms, moods, or anything else that would seem noteworthy. I think it's important to have a record to look back on and see what is and isn't working as I go along.

Still haven't taken the before shots. I am dreading that.

Excited about tomorrow (Day 1). Stay tuned!

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